My Current Travel Palette


No matter where you are in your learning path, it's always good to take classes to learn something new, refresh skills and be challenged to do things you wouldn't normally do. I am taking a class from Liz Steel called SketchingNow Watercolours that begins 10 Jan 2018. She does  mostly sketchbook work and is a trained architect. She has a much looser and wetter style of painting than I do and I'd like to learn more of how she approaches watercolors.

Many artists like to take stock of their current materials and Liz is no different. She suggested that the students draw and paint out their current watercolor palettes and make notes of what paints are included. Here is my current set of mostly Daniel Smith, a few Winsor & Newton and solo Holbein, Schmincke and Sennelier watercolors. Palettes are so much more interesting painted out because the color can be seen. It's surprising how different a dry pan of paint can be from a painted swatch on paper.