The Craft Fair Was a Success!

Last weekend, I participated as a vendor at a craft fair, the Redmond Cat/Craft Revolution hosted by the Whole Cat and Kaboodle and Feral Care Sanctuary. It was a beautiful day - which is not something to take for granted in the Pacific Northwest in June, and while the turnout was slow, it was a great introduction for me into craft and art fairs. I was able to get a sketch of my table from my perspective looking out.  It was interesting to watch people go to specific booths and not others, as well as people being attracted to specific things at my table and not others. I enjoyed being able to talk to so many different people and hear their various stories.  Since it was hosted by cat people to raise money for a new roof at the feral cat care place, having cat themed items seemed appropriate. I was able to go into my fabric stash and pull out all sorts of cat fabric treasures and I made lots of fabric coasters. They turned out to be my biggest seller which is no surprise since they are small, attractive, useful and affordable. It was also fascinating to see people's reactions to different fabrics. So with that gentle introduction, I will be at a couple more events this summer. One of them will be at the Woodinville Art Fair in August. Perhaps I'll see you there!