Artichokes Galore!


Here is a drawing I recently finished up of some artichokes I took a picture of at Russo’s, wonderful market in Watertown, MA. I do a lot of my drawings using reference pictures, and after I started sketching, I take my photographs differently so that I can sketch from them later. I love going to markets and seeing all the displays of produce piled up. I often go to a local Indian and Asian markets just to admire their fruit and vegetable displays. I sometimes will also come home with unusual things, for me, both to draw and to try to eat or cook - dragon fruit, bitter melon and drumstick beans have been some of my experiments.

Drawing and Painting a Chocolate Wrapper


Here are the two steps when I do a drawing. First I draw in ink and then I paint. I rarely do it the other way round, paint first then ink. With a wrapper I will also use pencil before hand to get the placement of the lettering and larger elements. In this particular case you can see the chocolate wrapper I’m drawing from.

Taco Tasting Journey for the Sketchbook Project 2018

Here's a page-through of my taco themed sketchbook for the Sketchbook Project 2018 that will be housed in the permanent collection at the Brooklyn Art Library after a summer tour to various places. I like to food journal and document both my meals but also some of the surroundings and details of where I ate. The project evolved as I progressed through the sketchbook with more and more details getting incorporated and added. This was such a fun adventure and doing the research was not at all a hardship. It was like when I had to go to Hawaii for teacher training before I went to Japan to teach English!

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If you like tacos, feel free to leave a comment of where some of your favorite restaurants or trucks are. I'd love to go and try some!

A Taco Tasting Journey for the Sketchbook Project 2018 Completed!


The deadline for submitting to the Sketchbook Project 2018 and having it part of a traveling collection for the summer is tomorrow, April 30th, 2018. I am done! My pages are all finished and scanned. I'm working on a video of the sketchbook to post a link here. This was my last meal that I had on a day in Seattle for jury duty. They gave an hour and a half for lunch so I had plenty of time to get to and sit down for an actual meal. This place was great. They have an open kitchen and I sat at the bar watching the activity. They make their own tortillas and it was fascinating watching the woman make, press and then cook the tortillas on the flat top. Great food, nice people, and interesting things around the restaurant for me to look at and draw!

First Taco Dinner for the Sketchbook Project 2018

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This is my sketch from my first taco themed spread for the Sketchbook Project 2018. The sketchbook is due at the end of April and I have a couple more meals to record. I typically take a bunch of pictures in the restaurant or at the food truck to get images of the atmosphere and then a number of photos of my tacos as they were presented. Since this was the very first spread, the design is fairly basic. As time progressed and I ate more meals and have done more pages, I have added more and more elements and details. I am slowly digitally cleaning up the images from the sketchbook and will post them here as I go. These were delicious. Where is your favorite taco place?