Thanks and a rest

Rowan, the snow dog after a walk in the first snow of winter

Rowan, the snow dog after a walk in the first snow of winter


If you celebrate Christmas, Merry Christmas! If you are a solstice lover, here in the Pacific Northwest, near Seattle, we actually got snow on the first day of winter. It was beautiful with big, fat flakes and it came down in the evening, so it was extra lovely going out and seeing the snow with Christmas lights on. It always feels special when the snow first start coming down. Our dog was pleased to enjoy it too - but she’s camera shy and seems to always know we’re trying to take a picture of her.

As Christmas approached, I started thinking more and more about this next and final week of 2020. I’ve recently been part of conversations on the topics of gifts, reflection, and breaks. Yes, the giving and receiving of presents is an immediate image that comes up with Christmas, but there are also the gifts of attention and time to and with one another. There is also the gift of taking care of yourself - however that means to you.

Taking a break from the regular day to day activities and to-do’s is calling me. I don’t often take breaks and it’s something I’d like to try more of in the future. Making them guilt-free would be a plus too. I’m looking to sleep more and take a creative and work break for this next week. Pausing and stepping away is as important as the doing and making.

I’m also looking forward to reflecting on this past, very strange and stressful year. There have been positives that have happened too and I want to remember and acknowledge them and then plan for next year.

My holiday seasonal wishes for you are are peace and connection with those close to you, and time and rest for yourself.

What is calling to you to do at the end of this year?

Keeping Traditions and Yet Adapting

Recipe for Pecan Balls, ink and watercolor

Recipe for Pecan Balls, ink and watercolor


Today was both my daughter’s 18th birthday and Thanksgiving in the US. It was also 2020, (who will forget this year?) and my son was on the other side of the country having Thanksgiving with his roommate. So many phone and video calls over the day, not to mention sharing of food pictures!

This got me to thinking about traditions. Part of why holidays and certain times of year are so much fun is the anticipation of things done only then. Special dinners and/or cakes for birthdays. Apple cider in the fall. The bedside table of goodies when visiting my parents. But going out to look for holiday lights in May seems a little strange as does eating pecan balls in the middle of August or asking everyone to come home for the 4th Thursday in March.

This year was different in many ways from usual, but with my daughter turning 18, it was also a milestone. A good one. I thought about what future celebrations and holidays will be like with the kids, but not kids any longer, joining in and adding their twists and flairs to whatever we are gathering for. I’m looking forward to it.

It’s nice to have the parts you like to look forward to but it’s also good to enjoy the changes and novelties that may be introduced because of circumstance or time.

What was the same for you this year and what was a new pleasant change?

If you like Christmas cookies, the pecan balls illustrated above are a good one. My family’s been making and eating them over 50 years. Enjoy!