Happy 2019!

Happy 2019! I hope it brings you new adventures and experiences that you find interesting and make you grow. 2018 marked the first complete year of having my own business, Anya Toomre Art & Illustration. I’ve learned a lot about what works and doesn’t work for me. It’s a continual process and there will likely never be a “done” state. What remains true is that this is a lifetime business. It’s only more public than I’ve done before. I like the people I’ve been meeting with this change. Another big addition this year was expanding my product range to include textile art. I’ve opened up an etsy shop, AnyaToomreStudios where I have been adding my fabric and art-quilt coasters. Esty is an easier site to have lots of hand-made items than I know how to do on this site right now.

One of the long-term goals I have with my business is to give back. So at the end of December 2018, I tallied up my sales and was able to donate a percentage of total sales to the following three organizations:

From my pet portraits, I give to the Seattle Humane Society. I love cats and dogs and all three of my cats were adopted from the Seattle Humane Society.

From my card and print sales, I chose to give to the Hispanic Federation in support of rebuilding Puerto Rico. I was in Cuba in 2017 during Hurricane Irma. I had never been in a hurricane before, nor on an island with such high waters. There was a lot of damage and disruption in Cuba but it only got battered by the edges of the storm. Hurricane Maria landed in Puerto Rico shortly thereafter and it was a full force hit on the island which was devastated. I can’t imagine the chaos and destruction. I was only 700 hundred miles on a more lightly hit island 2 weeks earlier.

With adding my quilted textiles to my line of available products, I wanted to do something in support of women and kids and home, so I chose to give a percentage of my textile sales to Mary’s Place in Seattle.

Thank you to everyone who supported me last year and helped me to contribute to these three organizations that are doing good work in their areas. Hopefully next year I’ll be able to give more. All the best for the new year!

One of my cat portraits is going on a book promotion in Japan


My friend,  Naoko Eric Kita, in Japan is a translator from English to Japanese. One of her latest books is coming out, 名画のなかの猫, translated from "The Book of the Cat." She is sending out promo cards to booksellers in Japan and my watercolor of her cat Sakura is on them. It’s kind of fun to be indirectly part of this project.
I’m available for pet portraits, but no promises that yours will end up on book promotions!



Delilah 2018 72dpi.jpg

Here is the lovely Delilah from my most recent commission. She looks like a lovely dog but lives in a different state so I may never meet her. I love her crossed legs! 

If you are interested in a ink and watercolor portrait of your favorite furry friend, feel free to contact me at anyatoomreart@yahoo.com or click on the link for the item my shop. I believe in giving back and supporting places that make a difference. To that end, 5% of any orders of my pet portraits or sketches will be donated to the Seattle Humane Society. My current three cats were adopted through them.