Drawing Amsterdam Dailies, Day 96 - 04 January 2021

Westerkerk & Tower

Drawing Amsterdam Dailies, Day 96. I had been thinking I wasn’t going to another big drawing over a spread again, and then I looked at my photos. I love all of the details in this side view of Westerkerk. Why stop with just one window or gable when I can draw a lot of them instead? 😁  #amsterdam #westerkerk #traveljournal #architecture #creativeprocess #creativehabit #dailyhabit #wip #creativity

Drawing Amsterdam Dailies, Day 96. I had been thinking I wasn’t going to another big drawing over a spread again, and then I looked at my photos. I love all of the details in this side view of Westerkerk. Why stop with just one window or gable when I can draw a lot of them instead? 😁

#amsterdam #westerkerk #traveljournal #architecture #creativeprocess #creativehabit #dailyhabit #wip #creativity